Computer Graphics and Visual Computing (CGVC) 2015

Borgo, Rita; Turkay, Cagatay
Frontmatter: Computer Graphics and Visual Computing (CGVC)

Roberts, Richard C.; Laramee, Robert S.; Jones, Mark W.
Multivariate Hybrid Visualisation of Ornithological Sensor Data

Martins, Rafael Messias; Minghim, Rosane; Telea, Alexandru C.
Explaining Neighborhood Preservation for Multidimensional Projections

Duce, David A.; Hopgood, F.R.A.
GKS-94 to SVG: Some Reflections on the Evolution of Standards for 2D Graphics

Kim, Hyosun; Schinko, Christoph; Havemann, Sven; Redi, Ivan; Redi, Andrea; Fellner, Dieter W.
Tiled Projection Onto Deforming Screens

Luo, Shengzhou; Dingliana, John
Visibility-Weighted Saliency for Volume Visualization

Würfel, Hannes; Trapp, Matthias; Limberger, Daniel; Döllner, Jürgen
Natural Phenomena as Metaphors for Visualization of Trend Data in Interactive Software Maps

Sturm, Werner; Schäfer, Till; Schreck, Tobias; Holzinger, Andreas; Ullrich, Torsten
Extending the Scaffold Hunter Visualization Toolkit with Interactive Heatmaps

Allen, Thomas; Parvanov, Aleksandar; Knight, Sam; Maddock, Steve
Using Sketching to Control Heterogeneous Groups