Now showing items 1-20 of 65

      Appearance and texture representations [1]
      Applied computing [5]
      Auditory feedback [1]
      believable agent [1]
      CCS Concepts: Applied computing -> Interactive learning environments; Human-centered computing -> Virtual reality [1]
      CCS Concepts: Applied computing -> Media arts; Human-centered computing -> Mixed / augmented reality; Auditory feedback; Collaborative content creation [1]
      CCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Mesh geometry models; Volumetric models [1]
      CCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Modeling and simulation; Applied computing -> Physical sciences and engineering [1]
      CCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Simulation environments; Computer vision; Human-centered computing -> Visualization toolkits [1]
      CCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Speech recognition; Supervised learning by classification; Transfer learning; Computer systems organization -> Real-time system architecture; Hardware -> Hardware accelerators [1]
      CCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Virtual reality; Mixed / augmented reality; Applied computing -> Collaborative learning [1]
      CCS Concepts: Human-centered computing -> Geographic visualization; Software and its engineering -> Software design engineering [1]
      CCS Concepts: Human-centered computing -> Interaction design; Interaction design process and methods; User centered design [1]
      CCS Concepts: Human-centered computing -> Interaction devices; Interaction design; Systems and tools for interaction design; Hardware -> Emerging interfaces [1]
      CCS Concepts: Human-centered computing -> User studies; User centered design [1]
      CCS Concepts: Human-centered computing -> Virtual reality; Software and its engineering -> Virtual worlds training simulations [1]
      CCS Concepts: Human-centered computing -> Visualization toolkits [1]
      CCS Concepts: Information systems -> Personalization; Human-centered computing -> Interactive systems and tools; Systems and tools for interaction design; Applied computing -> Health care information systems [1]
      Collaborative content creation [1]
      Collaborative learning [1]