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dc.contributor.authorKovalcík, Viten_US
dc.contributor.authorSochor, Jirien_US
dc.contributor.editorLouise M. Lever and Mary McDerbyen_US
dc.description.abstractWe present a novel algorithm capable of rendering complex dynamic scenes at high frame rates. The key part of the algorithm is occlusion culling which is performed by an optimized usage of the hardware occlusion queries. The spatial organization of the scene using 2-level BSP-like hierarchy helps to speed up evaluating full and partial occlusion of the objects. The algorithm handles both static and dynamic objects and places no restrictions on the shape of objects.en_US
dc.publisherThe Eurographics Associationen_US
dc.subjectCategories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realismen_US
dc.titleFast Rendering of Complex Dynamic Scenesen_US
dc.description.seriesinformationTheory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2006en_US

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